TV Schedule App


  • Initial development: August 2014 – January 2015
  • Occasionally enhanced: February 2015 – Present


OO Programming, MVVM, XAML (WPF), C# (.NET), XML


Link to App

Other Version(s)

Previous version: TV Schedule Windows Gadget


I originally developed this as a Windows Sidebar Gadget in 2011 (using JavaScript, XHTML & CSS), but it was rewritten as a XAML-based, C#, widget-like app, so I could learn more XAML (& LINQ). It is currently being updated to use the MVVM design pattern.

For TV series I am interested in, it displays the episodes showing on any day. Its data is stored in an XML file, which I manually update as TV series are announced, start/end, go on break, etc.

These are some of the additional features have been added to this version over time:

  • Date selector control to change dates
  • Collapsible Categories
  • View list of all TV series
  • Filters to show number of TV series (in app, airing this week, new this week, ending this week, etc)
  • Can click on above filters to view only those TV series as a filtered list
  • Show all episodes of a TV show (with dates)
