Monthly Archives: August 2015

Salaah Times App


  • Initial development: August 2015 – December 2015
  • Occasionally enhanced: January 2016 – Present


OO Programming, MVVM, XAML (WPF), C# (.NET), XML


Link to App

Other Version(s)

Previous version: Salaah Times Windows Gadget


All Muslim’s are obligated to offer 5 daily prayers (Salaah) during specific times of the day. This was originally developed as a Windows Sidebar Gadget to aid in meeting this obligation in 2011 (using JavaScript, XHTML & CSS), but it was rewritten as a XAML-based, C#, widget-like app, so I could learn more XAML (& LINQ). A companion converter app provides an XML prayer timetable for this app to visually display. It is currently being updated to use the MVVM design pattern.

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