Category Archives: Dissertation

AI Agent for Ms Pac-Man




OO Analysis/Design, OO Programming, Java, AI, Tree Search Algorithms, Rule-Based System, Fuzzy Logic, Visual Paradigm, Eclipse


I developed an Artificial Intelligent (AI) application (or AI Agent) that played Ms Pac-Man for my Master’s dissertation, using an iterative development lifecycle so I could iteratively improve my AI Agent by using measurable metrics. The agent I developed was a Fuzzy Logic, Rule-Based System combined with multiple Tree Search Algorithms.

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3D Windows Explorer (BSc Dissertation)




OO Programming, OO Analysis/Design, Design Patterns, Java, Java3D, db4o (ODBMS), C# (.NET), BlueJ, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visio


For My Undergraduate Degree Dissertation, I Developed A Research-Based ‘3D Windows Explorer’ in Java & Java3D. The app used visual cues to help identify directory structures. Using the Waterfall Model development lifecycle, I performed all aspects of software development. Extensive Object Oriented Analysis and Design (using Unified Modelling Language) led to a solution that was implemented and tested, before it was critically evaluated against its requirements to complete my dissertation.

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