Category Archives: Personal Project

Tab Divider Web Browser Extension


May 2020 – April 2021


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebExtension API


Download zipped, signed Web Extention.


This web browser extension (for Firefox) would allow grouping of web broswer tabs, using a Tab Divider (like file dividers for folders). Some featurss include: see a list of Tab Dividers, see how many tabs in each Tab Divider, send tabs to a different Tab Divider.

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DesignMagnify Web Browser Extension


April 2018 – July 2018


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebExtension API


Current on hold, but a preview will be posted later, once development resumes.


This web browser extension (currently for Firefox 56+) allows users (web designers/developers) to zoom-in to a portion of the current webpage, with a pixel grid overlaid. This is to help users align text, icons, images, borders, etc while designing websites.

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SuperPlex Web Browser Extension


November 2017 – May 2018


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebExtension API, C#, JSON


Current on hold, but a preview will be posted later, once development resumes.


This web browser extension (currently for Firefox 56+) included a series of enhancements to Plex media server. Its primary purpose was to be able to play media files on a local PC, using the default media player for that file type, via a Native Application (written in C#) which the Web Extension would communicate with using Native Messaging.

It would show additional data that Plex stored about media files. This would include ratings for media from IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and other sources, if Plex didn’t already show them.

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Salaah Times App


  • Initial development: August 2015 – December 2015
  • Occasionally enhanced: January 2016 – Present


OO Programming, MVVM, XAML (WPF), C# (.NET), XML


Link to App

Other Version(s)

Previous version: Salaah Times Windows Gadget


All Muslim’s are obligated to offer 5 daily prayers (Salaah) during specific times of the day. This was originally developed as a Windows Sidebar Gadget to aid in meeting this obligation in 2011 (using JavaScript, XHTML & CSS), but it was rewritten as a XAML-based, C#, widget-like app, so I could learn more XAML (& LINQ). A companion converter app provides an XML prayer timetable for this app to visually display. It is currently being updated to use the MVVM design pattern.

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TV Schedule App


  • Initial development: August 2014 – January 2015
  • Occasionally enhanced: February 2015 – Present


OO Programming, MVVM, XAML (WPF), C# (.NET), XML


Link to App

Other Version(s)

Previous version: TV Schedule Windows Gadget


I originally developed this as a Windows Sidebar Gadget in 2011 (using JavaScript, XHTML & CSS), but it was rewritten as a XAML-based, C#, widget-like app, so I could learn more XAML (& LINQ). It is currently being updated to use the MVVM design pattern.

For TV series I am interested in, it displays the episodes showing on any day. Its data is stored in an XML file, which I manually update as TV series are announced, start/end, go on break, etc.

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Timetable Tool (2014)



January 2014 – February 2014


PHP, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, EasyPHP (a WAMP stack)


Live Demo of the rewritten 2014 version of Timetable Tool

Other Version(s)

Original project: Timetable Tool (2006)


I originally developed this personalised class timetable tool in 2006 to learn PHP, but I rewrote it in 2014, to brush up on my PHP skills. It uses the original (plain and simple) live timetables as a source, and displays them in a more visually appealing way.

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  • Initial Design: December 2013 – March 2014
  • Maintained: March 2014 – Present


WordPress, XHTML, CSS, PHP


Link to App

Other Version(s)


My Project Portfolio is available on this website. It contains information and samples images (some with links to apps) about some projects I have worked on. It is powered by WordPress. I customised the website design by creating a child theme for the WordPress Twenty Twelve theme, using XHTML, CSS and PHP.

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Platforming Spaceship



September 2013 – November 2013


OO Programming, C#, .NET for Windows Phone, Microsoft Visual Studio

Other Version(s)

Original University assignment project: Windows Mobile Game


Original project was a .NET Compact Framework based, networked, Windows Mobile 6 game I developed for a University assignment.

Later, I re-developed this project to learn programming with .NET for Windows Phone using XAML. I followed portions of Microsoft’s ‘Building Apps for Windows Phone 8 Jump Start‘ online course available on MSDN Channel 9. I implemented some of the course concepts by porting a the original .NET Compact Framework based to Windows Phone 8.

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TV Schedule Windows Gadget




Programming, Notepad++, JavaScript, XHTML, DOM, CSS, XML, DTD, XPath


Link to App

Other Version(s)

Newer version: TV Schedule App


I developed this TV Schedule Windows Sidebar Gadget. For TV series I am interested in, it displays the episodes showing on any day. Its data is stored in an XML file, which I manually update as TV series are announced, start/end, go on break, etc. It was written using JavaScript, XHTML & CSS. XPath expressions are used for querying it (via JavaScript).

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Salaah Times Timetable Converter



  • 2011


OO Programming, Microsoft Visual Studio, C# (.NET), XML, DTD, XSLT, XPath


Salaah (Muslim prayer) Timetables are often created using Excel, but my Salaah Times Windows Gadget requires XML. After exporting the Excel timetable to CSV format, this converter app (written in C#), converts it to XML.

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