Category Archives: Experimental

DesignMagnify Web Browser Extension


April 2018 – July 2018


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebExtension API


Current on hold, but a preview will be posted later, once development resumes.


This web browser extension (currently for Firefox 56+) allows users (web designers/developers) to zoom-in to a portion of the current webpage, with a pixel grid overlaid. This is to help users align text, icons, images, borders, etc while designing websites.

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SuperPlex Web Browser Extension


November 2017 – May 2018


JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, WebExtension API, C#, JSON


Current on hold, but a preview will be posted later, once development resumes.


This web browser extension (currently for Firefox 56+) included a series of enhancements to Plex media server. Its primary purpose was to be able to play media files on a local PC, using the default media player for that file type, via a Native Application (written in C#) which the Web Extension would communicate with using Native Messaging.

It would show additional data that Plex stored about media files. This would include ratings for media from IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and other sources, if Plex didn’t already show them.

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Scheduling Tool




Programming, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Microsoft Excel


I developed this experimental Scheduling Tool in Excel using VBA. It displays an automated schedule, based on events & tasks. Tasks are broken down into subtasks & weighted based on various metrics (e.g. length of tasks, time till deadline). These are then slotted around events (that have fixed times), based on various metrics. The tool would readjust the schedule automatically as unforeseen incidents occurred, however as it stored intermediate values within Excel workbooks, it was slow.

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Programming, C# (ASP.NET), XML, DTD, XSLT, XPath, XHTML, CSS, CMS, Microsoft Visual Studio

Other Version(s)


I developed this experimental, fast & flexible, XML-based CMS. When a user’s web browser requested a webpage, an ASP.NET web app would run an XSLT template, while passing it parameter values (taken from the query string). This XSLT template would generate the XHTML output from XML, based on the parameter values, and send it to the web browser. This was a successor to my portfolio tool.

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